Zebra fish
Zebra fish

Often a single fish can give you somewhere between 20 and 200 offspring in a single breeding, which is for geneticists just absolutely great. They have a lot of advantages that are attractive to scientists, one of them being that they are in fact quite cheap to buy, which is always a consideration. It came into awareness in the scientific community, at least for geneticists, roughly around 1981 when the late George Streisinger, looking for a new genetic organism to study, picked up a couple of zebrafish at the local pet store and started to do a few experiments with them. Behavioral and physiological indicators of stress coping styles in larval zebrafish.Zebrafish is a relatively new model organism, new kid on the block, if you will. Tudorache, C., Ter Braake, A., Tromp, M., Slabbekoorn, H., & Schaaf, M.Covariation between behaviour and physiology indicators of coping style in zebrafish ( Danio rerio). The effect of temporal variation in experimental noise exposure on swimming and foraging behaviour of captive zebrafish. Behavioural responses to sound exposure in captivity by two fish species with different hearing ability. Shafiei Sabet, S., Wesdorp, K., Campbell, J.Son et lumière: sound and light effects on spatial distribution and swimming behavior in captive zebrafish. Frontiers in Behavioural Neurosciences 9: 1–11 Behavioral changes in response to sound exposure and no spatial avoidance of noisy conditions in captive zebrafish. Neo, Y.Y., Parie, L., Bakker, F., Snelderwaard, P., Tudorache, C., Schaaf, M."Early birds" take it easy: diurnal timing is correlated with overall level in activity of zebrafish larvae. We study whether and under what conditions sound may have negative effects.Įxperimental aquarium set-up in which a group of zebrafish can swim in two tanks connected by a swimming tube and in which the sound conditions can be manipulated independently through underwater speakers. However, repeated events may also yield chronic elevations in cortisol level that become detrimental to the animal’s health. Fluctuations in cortisol are dynamic changes that are functional and aid the individual to respond best to conditions of the outside world. The bold or proactive fish recover relatively fast, while the shy or reactive fish take much longer. The base line level reaches a peak after about 15 minutes to recover again after the disturbance. We study the link between the variation in rhythmicity and the link with sensitivity to environmental stressors such as noise pollution.Įnvironmental stressors cause a rise in the level of the stress hormone cortisol. More active fish are more active in the morning, while less active ones spread their activities over the day, reminiscent of so-called ‘larks’ and ‘owls’ in humans. We also found out that there are fish that have clear fluctuations in activity over the day driven by their internal clock, while others have less stereotypic patterns. This means that fish differ behaviourally and that they have individual features that are consistent across time and context.

zebra fish

Individual zebrafish can be bold or shy, or anything in between.

zebra fish

Standardized behavioural essays and advanced methods for quantification are used to assess variation among individuals and context-dependent effects. Swimming speed can go up or completely down, when a highly disturbing factor makes them freeze. When they are disturbed or affected by an external stressor, zebrafish stay down, close to tank walls and close together. Active swimming, throughout the tank, while searching, finding and ingesting food is typically interpreted as reflecting fish that feel comfortable and relaxed. The behaviour of zebrafish in a fish tank can tell much about their well-being. As noise pollution is a growing concern in natural waters, aquacultural facilities and hobby and research aquaria, we use zebrafish to explore the effects of artificial sound fields in small tanks on their feeding and swimming behaviour, diurnal rhythms and stress physiology. Behaviour and physiology also provide insight into fish wellbeing and potential long-term consequences.

zebra fish

Studies into consistent individual variation in larvae and adults can reveal important insights into behavioural patterns of this domesticated fish species that has become an important model species in medical and pharmaceutical research.

zebra fish

We study behavioural phenotypes in zebrafish and explore the acoustic world of aquarium fish.

Zebra fish